Saturday, March 4, 2023

School Safety

A sign displaying this 
is a school safety zone
 School safety is more than protecting children from physically harmful situations, but also mentally harmful situations too. Even if there is no threat to the school to physically harm students, there can be people who are mentally harming them. It is essential that security, administrators, and teachers
work together to create a welcoming and inviting environment so students can trust them. If the adults involved at the school can gain the trust of the students, then the students are more inclined to talk to a trusted adult if a situation ends up happening. Educators are in schools for much more than teaching curriculum. They help children socialize, teach life lessons, and support each child so they can reach their full potential. There will always be room to grow when it comes to school safety, and it is hard to know some children are still struggling while feeling unsafe at school.

Personally, I have never felt unsafe at school. This was because my administration in elementary, middle, and high school knew what was going to happen before it happened. They were always aware of any potential threats and handled them before students were affected. We also were a community. I did not go to super small schools, but everyone just knew everyone. The adults in charge of us wanted to make sure they were building a community school culture where everyone did feel safe, and I agree with that one hundred percent. This is one reason I wanted to go into education because I want to help give the same positive school experience that I had. Children spend the majority of their day and lives at school, and there needs to be more done to make their lives safer and more accessible. Today that is a challenging task to complete, but with more adults that care in the school then, we can see some changes. 

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